Asyfa Rawiah Bahagian 7
Seminggu berlalu dengan penuh sendu. Aku dan Queen menanti hari bila Dr Zana akan menelefon kami. Hari demi hari aku dan Queen perlahan mula menerima hakikat. Dalam tempoh itu aku biarkan sahaja laku Queen apa yang mahu dibuatnya aku izinkan dan aku biarkan. Biarlah, smeoga dengan cari ini hatinya lebih tenteram dan cepat menerima keadaan ini. Alhamdulillah masuk hari ketiga Queen sudah tampak lebih bersedia. Jumaat, Dr. Zana menelefon Queen dan memberitahu supaya datang ke HKL pada awal pagi isnin dan bertemu dengan sahabatnya, Dr Andi.
Isnin itu, aku dan Queen tiba di HKL seawal 7:45 pagi. Kami menuju ke Wad bersalin, mendaftar dan kemudian menunggu giliran. 30 minit kemudian, kami dipanggil ke bilik no 7 dan bertemulah kami dengan Dr Andi. Beliau bertanya itu dan ini dan kami menerangkan segala butiran yang kami tahu. Dr Andi kemudian membawa kami untuk melakukan detail scan sekali lagi. "kita buat detail scan sekali, dengan dr Bhaskaran. Dia ni the best doktor dalam bab ni di Malaysia." kata Dr Andi. Kami hanya mengiyakan sahaja.
Tiba di tempat itu, Queen pun berbaring di atas katil dan Dr Bhaskaran kemudian membelek belek maklumat pada dokumen yang diberikan oleh Dr andi. Dia kemudian mula melakukan detail scan. Aku hanya berdiam diri sepanjang tempoh itu, sekali sekala aku mengurut bahu Queen. 1 jam berlalu aku hanya memerhati laku Dr Bhaskaran melakukan kerjanya dan sekali sekala berceloteh dengan Dr Andi bersama seorang lagi doktor yang tidak aku ketahui namanya. Lampu kemudian dibuka, dr Bhaskaran menghulurkan tisu kepada Queen.
"Ok, i have done the detail scan just now as you can see. What can i say is taht the baby truly have a heart problem but, it is not a major concern." Dr Bhaskaran memulakan penerangannya.
"From what i see, the heart problem is treatable in various way, either operation or taking a medacine. What is more concern is your baby structure. The problem is that your baby doesnt want to grow. Now its weight is around 650 gram only. Ok, we start from the head, as you can see just now, your baby the head its not normal. Its quite large and this is not because of outside matters but because the brain develop in such a way that somehow causing the skull to enlarge. Your baby spine is ok, then caoming to fingers which we can see might have extra fingers, the ribs is ok, then coming to the heart as i already explain then coming to the feet which is ok. Now, all of this, shows that your baby have structural problem. because your placenta is working perfectly the water have no infections all the nutrition are coming to the baby in very normal way but your baby doesnt want to grow. And this structural problem might cause the heart to be affected. This is not because soemthing that you eat or do or feel, this started to happen when the baby start to develop which is very rare cases. I might say this is something to do with genetic because your planceta dan the fluid is in good condition. This may come either from the husband side or from the wife." terang Dr Bhaskaran panjang lebar.
Aku dan Queen sedikit lega bila mengetahui sakit jantung itu boleh diubati.
"So what can we do in this case?" tanya aku.
"Nothing much. If it is true genetic, there is no cure. But what we can do, or what i want to suggest is that you do a chromosome test. This is to determine exactly which part of the chromosome that causing this abnormality. As you all know we have 23 chromosome, and like down syndrome cases the chromosome number 22 are damages and causing it to happen."
"If there is no cure for this, what good will it do to the baby except than knowing the illness?" tanya aku.
"All this infromation is neccesity to know as we will use this information to prepare ourselves during to labor as we know what we dealing and how to deal with it. If you dont do this test, we will assume that your baby is normal and we will deliver it as a normal baby. All this in other words to prepare for any complication. You dont have to decide now. Go back discuss it with your parent and when you ready come back here."
Aku dan Queen hanya berpandangan." How to do the test?" tanya aku lagi.
"Ok we have to ways, one we take the fluids and two we take some of the baby blood. But the is a risk. In both ways teh risk is the same, one your fluids may get infected, two your baby will die before labour and there you will have premature labour. And the chances of these risk is higher when you take the baby blood but the reslut of the test is much more accurate. Further more, with test i can then to know if the baby can survive after the delivery or not. If the baby cant survive i might advice you to do abortion and all this data can be used when you have another pregnancy in future."
Aku dan Queen hanya berdiam diri sahaja mendengar risiko yang baru diterangkan. Dr Bhaskaran kemudian memberi serba sedikit penerangan lagi, kemudian Dr Andi mengiringi kami keluar dan menuju semula ke tempat Dr Andi.
"You two wait here first nanti i panggil you msuk ok?" arah Dr Andi.
Kami berdua mengangguk dan duduk di ruang menunggu. Sambil sambil duduk aku memggenggam erat tangan Queen.
"Bi, kalau doktor suruh gugurkan macam mana?" tanya Queen.
Aku tidak segera menjawab. Ya, macam mana ya?
"Saya rasa, samaada baby akan hidup atau tak selepas bersalin itu urusan tuhan. Kalau ada rezeki kita hiduplah dia. Urusan kita kandungkan dia sampai lahir." jawab aku.
"Emm ibu pun rasa macam tu juga." jawab Queen.